Cardiff Casuals Cricket Club
last updated 01/07/2024
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Milestones 2024

Below are Milestone stats that the Cazh players may achieve in the up coming season. Just to note the 'stats' shown don't necessarily show who has the 'best' or 'most' figures in the club, only those milestones which are likely to be met in the forth-coming season. So you can get an idea of comparison I have stated who was the 'leading' player at the end of the previous season at bottom of each section.

* As an added bonus - Shakey has found a number of the pre-2000 catches (after trawling through old scorebooks), not all of them pre-2000 were recorded, but those that were have been added to the stats for the first time - so this has effected some of the historical milestones. Where possible these have marked as acheived with date (previous years), or if players are no longer playing these have been added to 'archive milestones'.

For archive Milestones click here





At start of season


Career Wickets

10 Jack Beaumont 6  
  10 Finn Carlow 0  


10 Tom Druce 2  
  10 Rhys Davies 1  
  10 Alun Evans 0  
  10 Fred Grassam 0  
  10 Gareth Finch 5  
  10 Liam Forster 0  
  10 Alex Heath 8  
  10 James Hodkinson 2  
  10 Kevyn Jones 0  
  10 Alex Malin 0  
  10 Robbie Sayers 2  
  10 Naren Marugonda 6  
  10 Ed Stagg 0  
  10 Ross Ward 3  
  10 Bryn Wilks 2  
  25 Steve Biggs 21  
  25 Patrick Dean 21  
  25 Liam Warren 16  
  50 Nadeem Afzal 36  
  50 Tim Bluff 33  
  50 Matt Cullen 30  
  50 Will Mason-Wilkes 41  
  50 Dave White 34  
  75 Gareth Loveridge 65  
  100 Tesh Hirani 78  
  100 Rich Holliday 94  
  100 Rob Owens 86  
  125 Pete Obee 107  
  125 Ed Stewart 112  
  150 Goff Day 129  
  150 Steve O'Reilly 146 23/06/2024 vs Dinas Powys @ The Common
  375 Mark Stephens 356  
  375 Dave Thomas 369 11/06/2024 vs Medics @ Wenvoe
  550 Paul Stephens 547  
  600 Dan Lewis 564  
Leader at end of 2023   Dan Lewis 564  



At start of season


Career Overs

50 Jack Beaumont 12.2  
  50 Finn Carlow 0  
  50 Rhys Davies 19.4  
  50 Tom Druce 3.1  
  50 Alun Evans 0  
  50 Fred Grassam 0  
  50 Gareth Finch 15  
  50 Liam Forster 0  
  50 Alex Heath 29.3  
  50 James Hodkinson 10  
  50 Kevyn Jones 0  
  50 Alex Malin 0  
  50 Naren Marugonda 23  
  50 Robbie Sayers 3.2  
  50 Ed Stagg 0  
  50 Bryn Wilks 9  


100 Steve Biggs 72.2  
  100 Liam Warren 92 12/05/2024 vs Lisvane @Lisvane
  200 Nadeem Afzal 146  
  200 Tim Bluff 144.3  


200 Matt Cullen 114.2  


200 Pat Dean 108  
  200 Dave White 139.1  
  300 Tesh Hirani 299.1  
  400 Gareth Loveridge 346.1  
  400 Rich Holliday 368  
  400 Rob Owens 314.2  
  500 Pete Obee 447  
  500 Ed Stewart 487.5  
  750 Goff Day 695  
  750 Steve O'Reilly 597  
  1750 Dave Thomas 1547.3  
  1750 Mark Stephens 1507.1  
  2500 Dan Lewis 2472.1 09/06/2024 vs Wick @Wick
  2500 Paul Stephens 2339  
Leader at end of 2023   Dan Lewis 2472.1  





At start of season


Career Runs

100 Nadeem Afzal 59  
  100 Tim Bluff 58  
  100 Finn Carlow 0  
  100 Patrick Dean 67  
  100 Tom Druce 9  
  100 Alun Evans 0  
  100 Fred Grassam 0 11/06/2024 vs Medics @ Wenvoe
  100 Gareth Finch 44  
  100 Liam Forster 0  
  100 Kevyn Jones 0  
  100 Alex Malin 0  
  100 Naren Marugonda 96  
  100 Will Purdie 15  
  100 Ed Stagg 0  
  100 Liam Warren 91 28/04/2024 vs Barry Wanderers/Westend Combo @ Hayes Point
  250 Matt Cullan 194  
  250 Rob Sayers 186 07/05/2024 vs Glenwood @ Wenvoe
  250 Liam Warren 91 28/04/2024 vs Barry Wanderers/Westend Combo @ Hayes Point
  250 Dave White 208  
  250 Bryn Wilkes 131  
  400 Dave Thomas 379  
  500 Jack Beaumont 359  
  500 Pete Obee 296  
  500 Rob Sayers 186  
  750 Alex Baywater 502  
  750 Steve Biggs 536 30/06/2024 vs Penarth @ Penarth
  750 Rhys Davies 714 27/06/2024 vs Llantwitt Fardre Centurions @ Llantwitt Fardre
  950 John Prior 939  
  1000 Goff Day 953  
  1000 Alex Heath 821  
  1500 James Hodkinson 1131  
  2000 Will Goad 1628  
  3000 Tesh Hirani 2692  
  3000 Rob Owens 2542  
  3500 Dan Lewis 3409  
  4000 Gareth Loveridge 3636  
  4000 Steve O'Reilly 3558  
  5000 Mark Stephens 4918  
  5000 Paul Stephens 4617  
  5000 Ed Stewart 4156  
  6500 Kim Swain 6330  
  8000 Will Mason-Wilkes 7567  
Leader at end of 2023   Will Mason-Wilkes 7567  



At start of season


Career DNB

25 Matt Cullen 18  


25 Rob Owens 17  


25 Ed Stewart 20  
  50 Tim Bluff 43  
  50 Pete Obee 37  
  75 Rich Holliday 72  
  150 Paul Stephens 143  
  200 Dan Lewis 198 12/05/2024 vs Lisvane @ St Mellons
  200 Dave Thomas 196 11/06/2024 vs Medics @ Wenvoe
Leader at end of 2023   Dan Lewis 198  



At start of season


Career 6's

10 Jack Beaumont 1  


10 Steve Biggs 5  
  10 Matt Cullen 5  
  10 Rhys Davies 2  
  10 Gareth Finch 2  
  10 James Hodkinson 8  
  25 Alex Baywater 24  
  25 Goff Day 17  
  25 Will Goad 13  
  25 Rob Owens 15  
  25 Robbie Sayers 11  
  50 Paul Stephens 48  
  75 Ed Stewart 74  
  125 Gareth Loveridge 122  
  175 Kim Swain 173  
  200 Will Mason-Wilkes
Leader at end of 2023   Will Mason-Wilkes





At start of season


Career catches (*see intro)

10 Alex Baywater 8  


10 Jack Beaumont 6  


10 Steve Biggs 8  


10 Matt Cullen 4  
  10 Rhys Davies 8  
  10 Pat Dean 9  
  10 Gareth Finch 3  
  10 Robbie Sayers 3  
  10 Liam Warren 3  
  10 Dave White 6  
  25 Will Goad 19  
  25 Alex Heath 18  
  25 Pete Obee 20  
  25 John Prior 22  
  40 Gareth Loveridge 38  
  50 Goff Day 41  
  50 James Hodkinson 45  
  50 Rob Owens 40  
  60 Ed Stewart 54  
  75 Kim Swain 74  
  90 Mark Stephens 82  
  110 Paul Stephens 108  
  130 Dan Lewis 124  
  140 Will Mason-Wilkes
  140 Steve O'Reilly 133  
Leader at end of 2023   Steve O'Reilly 133  



At start of season


Career Stumpings

5 Will Goad 3  
  5 Paul Stephens 4  


5 Kim Swain 4  
  15 Steve O'Reilly 11  
  15 Goff Day 14  
  30 James Hodkinson 26  
  60 Will Mason-Wilkes 50  
Leader at end of 2023   Will Mason-Wilkes 50  





At start of season


Career Appearances

10 Finn Carlow 0  
  10 Tom Druce 4  
  10 Alun Evans 0  
  10 Fred Grassam 0  
  10 Gareth Finch 7  
  10 Liam Forster 0 27/06/2024 vs Llantwitt Fardre Centurions @ Llantwitt Fardre
  10 Kevyn Jones 0  
  10 Alex Malin 0  
  10 Naren Marugonda 9  
  10 Ed Stagg 0  
  10 Will Purdie 2  
  10 Robbie Sayers 8 07/05/2024 vs Glenwood @ Wenvoe
  10 Ross Ward 3  


25 Alex Baywater 17  
  25 Jack Beaumont 12  
  25 Liam Warren 23 12/05/2024 vs Lisvane @ St Mellons
  25 Bryn Wilkes 11  
  50 Nadeem Afzal 45  


50 Steve Biggs 33  


50 Matt Cullen 38  
  50 Rhys Davies 40  


50 Pat Dean 37  


50 Dave White 41  
  75 Tim Bluff 62  
  100 James Hodkinson 98 27/05/2024 vs Cardiff IX @ Forest Farm
  125 Pete Obee 100  
  150 Gareth Loveridge 127  
  200 Rob Owens 183  
  200 Ed Stewart 183  
  200 Goff Day 189  
  250 Will Mason-Wilkes 207  
  400 Dave Thomas 352  
  450 Rich Holliday 445  
  500 Steve O'Reilly 464  
  550 Dan Lewis 543

09/06/2024 vs Wick @Wick

  550 Mark Stephens 537  
  600 Paul Stephens 590  
Leader at end of 2023   Paul Stephens 590  




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